Sunday, October 10, 2010

The October Show

Greetings! And welcome back. What a pleasure it is to see all of you. Another First Friday has come and gone and, as always, we are here to give you the updates. October proved to be a wonderful, albeit dimly lit, show. Though QuarterYellowStudios kept Kady Perry’s Works in Progress display up another month, we had quite the different audience this time. I think it might have something to do with the changing seasons. If you don’t believe me just take a look!


Yup folks, Zombies at the studio. Halloween, here we come! Here are few more pictures for your viewing pleasure.

You can't really tell, but that's a zombie.

No overhead lights allowed? No problem.

The people still showed.

Our main light source.

Hardly a light source.

In other news, Ms. Perry was recently appointed the position of secretary to the Gorgeous Washington Street Association AKA the creators of First Friday. Below is the website.

I feel a round of applause is in order. Don’t worry, we can hear it through our computer screens. That's just how the internet works. But on a more serious note, next time you meander into our little studio, please don’t be afraid to voice your opinions on how to make Friday Friday a better event for all. QuarterYellow is now in a position to help bring change to the establishment and let the people of Binghamton have their voices heard. We certainly look forward to hearing them.

Keep it snug(gie)
Minoo and Kady

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