Monday, March 25, 2013

Well, March is almost over (somehow), which means its almost time for the next First Friday. This April, QuarterYellowStudios will have The SMS Series by Ed Jones on display, which focuses on the text messages which people have never found them selves able to delete.

 I will not try to explain the concept behind the show myself, but will rather use a quote by the Artist, Ed Jones, to do so; 

 "Text Messaging has completely changed the way we interact with each other, and as a result, we have begun to attach sentimentality into the texts we save, and refuse to delete.
The SMS Series is a portrait study and observation of ten different people's messages, along with ten from the artist, along with the stories behind them. The portraits cover an array of topics, and a slough of emotions. Also featured at the show will be a slideshow of texts received during project development, and a way for viewers to interact using their own messages, right in the gallery space."

This is going to be a truly unique experience and entirely unlike anything you've ever seen at QuarterYellowStudios, or anywhere else for that matter! And if that weren't enough there will be a Living Canvas exhibit, right in the main space of JungleScience as well!

Before I go, I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for coming out to the Comedy Show we hosted on March 8th. We had a great crowd which really contributed to it! 

Last thing, QuarterYellow is in the process of some big plans, so stay tuned to hear about all of them, as well as for a special conceptual blog to be posted this week. Until then,

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