Sunday, March 13, 2011

Results: March First Friday.

The results are in and Friday Friday: March '11 edition is the undeniable winner. From the packed crowds to the trading of art work, our latest First Friday may have been our most successful to date. People crammed themselves into our small art loft just to see what was poppin' at QuarterYellowStudios. Of course, we can't just take the credit ourselves, as much as we wish we could. No, much of the credit must go to our Artist of the Month, Aaron Sheldon. Without his tremendous talent and dedication to the show, this would not have been possible. In case you missed it, and we're sure you had a good reason, here's a little eye candy for you. We know that's what you really want.

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That's right folks. We hung it from the ceiling.

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The lovely Aaron, pouring the adoring public some drinks!

Is the overwhelming feeling of depression hitting you because you now see what you have missed? Well, feel sad no longer because Aaron will back next month with new work! So don't miss it.

In other QYS related news, Kady Perry has been hard at work on her own projects that include working on not one, not two, but three different murals! Yes, three. And she has a little message she would like to get out there:

My name is Kady Perry and I am a muralist. I am working on a mural in the union underground across from the Pipedream office. I am restoring the mural someone began and did not finish, most students know exactly which one! The goal of the rehabilitation of the mural is to create B.U. school pride. One way to do this is by including the names of student clubs/groups on campus in the mural (specifically in the petals of the many flowers). Since there are so many organizations, I am looking to have the students email and request a spot for their club/group. Tell your friends to submit, too! Also it is imperative that I get input from students, so I am also looking for ideas/feedback/requests on what should be included, as well as any response to What do you find iconic about B.U.? Email Kady Perry at

And here is a quick look at the before mentioned mural, a student started, and Kady is revamping! The "before" persay be sure to look for the "after" in April!
kady mural

Enjoy your day (light savings time)
M.A and K.P

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