Friday, September 10, 2010

September Showing: Works in Progress

September Showing: Works in Progress

So, we didn’t finish. As hard we (well mostly Kady) tried we were no match for the mural. But have no fear, my dear followers because the show must go on. Instead of hiding the unfinished project, we proudly displayed the piece in a show aptly named “Works in Progress.”

Displayed were various pieces of Kady Perry’s incomplete work. The purpose of this show is to demonstrate the creative design process that goes behind every piece of art. Like many artists, Kady starts with preliminary pencil sketches before switching pencil to pen for the coloring process. Then after hours and hours of glorious labor, the piece is almost complete, but still missing those few but important final touches.

The show was a success, with none other then Mayor Matt Ryan making an appearance. Unfortunately there are no pictures, but I think our relationship has progressed enough for you to trust me. Other special guest appearances include:

Caroline and Dani, Lexi and Liz, Ken and his lovely lady friend, Amy and the new HDEV team of mentors, Sage, BU students and First Friday art goers. You’ve all helped to make the night a true success.

Enough about the past and on to the future. Next First Friday the mural will be done- promise. And in that mural will be hidden objects for you all to find. That’s right, kiddies interactive art. And you thought 3D was the next big thing. So please, come and participate in the scavenger hunt. You’ll never find the sail boat. That’s a challenge.

Keep it campy (the seasons almost over) Minoo and Kady


COMING SOON: Pictures and Video

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