Saturday, May 7, 2011

First Friday and Future Shows


Friday night was a celebration of printmaker Aaron Sheldon's work, this time with additional woodcuts and a new eye to his wax sculptures. You will hear from Aaron on an upcoming post about his experience at QuarterYellowStudios; as he is now part of its history.

Everyone observing the new woodcut;
 a self-portrait done by Sheldon.

From left to right
 The artist himself & a fan

Check out the line up!
For future shows

June Exhibit
 Gourmet Ceramics 
by Brandon Scott
Opening Reception
 June 3rd 6-9pm

Gourmet ceramics;
a small hint of what you might see!

July Exhibit
Abstract Paintings
by Faye Lotfiyan
Opening Reception
July 1st, 2011

August Exhibit

September Exhibit
Photography by Kate Clancy

Opening Reception
September 2nd, 2011

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